The Christmas Pub quiz 2017

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The Christmas Pub Quiz 2017 – a super fun night at Main Street Brewery in Pleasanton.
See Pictures and Videos Page for photos of Quizmaster Santa, his helper elves and costumed participants.
Over 80 in attendance. Thanks to everyone who helped organize and set up, and to Matt and his staff for excellent food and service.

Senior christmas party

posted in: Events, News, Uncategorized

Please see the Pictures and Videos Page a few pictures of our wonderful seniors at the annual get together.
Thanks to Ann Kelly for hosting and to all who helped.


posted in: Events, News

Tickets for the banquet are on sale now!!! We always have such a fun night. dinner, Dancing, Ceilidh, live band,

Its a wonderful time to dress up put on your kilts men and ladies find ya sparkles :))

Tickets can be purchased here on the website!!

St Andrew’s Society Annual Banquet

posted in: Events, News

Date: Sat November 11th
Time: 6-11pm (Happy Hour in the Scots Bar from 5-6:30pm)
Place: The Doubletree, Pleasanton
Price: $80 per person ($10 discount for members in good standing)
includes three course dinner with wine, pipers, highland dancers, ceilidh and live music and dancing with ‘Max Cruise’

Check out the details on our new website at

posted in: News

October 4, 2017, a new and exciting web site for the St. Andrews Society of Oakland – Serving the East Bay.

Catch up with all of our news, contact us, renew your membership, find out about upcoming events, and reserve and pay for your tickets for our events.

Please tell us what you think and if there are other things that you would like to see/do on the site.



Summer News

posted in: News

This is so very exciting, today we are launching our new website!!!!

We are so thankful for all the input and hard work it took to make this happen. We will be able to keep all our members, and friends up to date on events and news of the society.

I hope you all had a wonderful summer, we sure did. We had our summer picnic in August for all our members, and what a fun day. This day is very special to us as it is a chance to meet up gossip, and have some fun!!

This year we managed to have a game of football (soccer) which is always popular. Our very own Billy Edmondson was determined to play!!! Despite being in he’s early 80’s he was the very proud winner with a last minute header into the goal!!

The 152nd Scottish highland games was held on the hottest day in many years here in Pleasanton with temperatures reaching 118F!!!! Phew very hot!!!!- But it didn’t stop us all from having a fantastic weekend!!! Whisky tasting, Pipe Bands, Dancers and the Clan Village!!!!

Our very own Euan Houston finished first in the overall and under 16 categories at the kilted mile with a time 5.36!! congratulations Euan!!

Thanks to all competitors, entertainers, volunteers and everyone else who attended the 152nd consecutive Scottish Highland Gathering and Games at the Alameda County Fairgrounds in Pleasanton. We’ll be back again next year on Labor Day Weekend (September 1 & 2, 2018).