Welcome to the St Andrew’s Society of

the East Bay

 Founded in Oakland in 1878

About Us

We are a benevolent organization founded in 1878 by Scotsmen to support brethren in times of need. Although the society has evolved since 1878, we still maintain our Scottish roots and our benevolence extends to many needful and worthwhile causes.

We organize several social functions per year, which are all very well attended and enjoyed by all, These include a Burns Supper, Society picnic, Annual Banquet, occasional Pub Quizzes and a Christmas tea for our “experienced” members

New: Click the Thistle link to the right to go to our Merchandise shop.   

Contact Us

If you are interested in becoming a member or have any questions about the site, please use our Contact Form

Scholarships – Applications due by April 15 each year.

We are a benevolent society and one area we offer assistance is through scholarships. More information on our scholarships, requirements and how to apply can be found here.


Come join us at our first meeting of 2025.

We meet monthly (except for June & July).
on the 2nd Tuesday of every month, at 7:00pm to 9:00pm

Next Meeting: January 14, 2025 7:00pm,  Main Street Brewery, 830 Main Street, Pleasanton (in the side room, off the bar).

You are welcome to come and join us. While we are happy at Main Street Brewery currently, we may have to change to another location in and around Pleasanton, so please confirm the location of the next meeting on this web site, or use the Contact page using the Subject “Meetings” to confirm with the secretary.

Contact the Secretary using the Contact page and Subject, Meetings, for additional information.


The Entertainment Committee is working on some great events planned for 2023.

Check out the Monthly Meetings Page for more information on Meeting Dates and more events as they approach.


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